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Top Career Tips

PURPOSE – Why Do You Do What You Do?

  1. Set Goals.  Evaluate different parts of your life using the Wheel of Life Tool and set short, medium, long, and lifetime goals in all areas.  One goal should be to reach financial independence – even if it seems insurmountable on Day 1.
  2. Identify the ‘Brand’ you want for yourself and live it. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create your personal brand
  3. Identify your Strengths and maximize usage of them – Purchase the book Strength Finders to gain an access code to take a test to identify your Top 5 Strengths. More on how to leverage your Strengths …
  4. Seeking your Life Purpose? Some thoughts on how to find it. – Life’s Purpose …

MOTIVATION – What motivates you on a Daily, Monthly, Yearly basis?

  1. When negative thoughts enter your mind that you are not good enough, read/listen to good books to help reinforce success (i.e. Obstacle is the Way, Girl Wash your Face, Be So Good they Can’t Ignore You). Here’s the link to my Favorite Books from 2019
  2. Super Stressed – find an outlet (i.e. listen to music, sit in the sun, punch a boxing bag, etc._)
  3. Always set a reward for yourself to look forward to, based on meeting milestones. It may be a dinner out early in your career… and later a multi-state road trip during a vacation.

PRESENCE – What is the whole Persona you want people to see you as being?

  1. Maximize the use of Technology to excel in your career – my cellphone, computer, and google home are essential
  2. Stay organized. Eliminate clutter and unnecessary noise in your life monthly.
  3. Leverage Sweat Equity. Volunteer to fill in gaps other aren’t filling; however, do it strategically in support of career goals
  4. Want to be good at presentations, speaking, and communication skills – join Toastmasters
  5. Dress professional. Appearance counts. Do the best you can to look your personal best.
  6. Be Resilient by taking care of your Mental Health especially when faced with challenges

PEOPLE – Who are the People you need around you?

  1. Create a solid Tribe of people outside of work to assist in successes and bail you out if needed too
  2. Network in groups that are not only associated with Disabilities (i.e. Women In Technology, Java support groups, etc.)
  3. Mentors – Find people who can help you see yourself more clearly, encourage, and share new ideas to help you grow as a person
  4. Become a Mentor – Mentoring others is the best way to grow yourself. When you teach a subject you need to learn it in depth – plus most importantly you’re giving to someone else.

1 thought on “Top Career Tips”

  1. Starting a career in 2020 could be difficult due to the pandemic. You have a nice article here with great starter tips. This is definitely one of the best article i have read on how to begin a career. Before i began a career in blogging, i had to read some tips in starting a career. Now i wish i had read yours instead.. Either ways, this article has got me fired up.

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